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Shell Spirax S1 G 140详细说明 (浏览1206次)

Shell Spirax S1 G 140

High quality API GL-1 oil for transmission and lightly loaded gears

Basic Identifiers

6755 Transmission oil mineral GL-1

Technical specifications

Specs Typical Values
Density 895
Flash Point (in C) 268
Pour Point (in C) -9
Viscosity at 100C 32
Viscosity at 40C 490
Viscosity Index 96
ASTM D341 Viscosity Chart
ASTM D341 Logarithmic scale

ASTM D341 Viscosity Calculator

You may calculate the viscosity of the oil at various temperatures based on ASTM D341. This uses the two sets of calibration data that we already have in order to calculate the viscosity at any temperature. You may input multiple temperatures at once, seperated by comma.

上一产品: Shell Spirax S1 G 90
下一产品: 美孚矿山滑脂
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